TCM 1 610– Johann Maier & Co. – Stuttgart (DE) EN2874

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Conditions for approval required by:  Martin Russell




2 Replies to “TCM 1 610– Johann Maier & Co. – Stuttgart (DE) EN2874”

  1. Noted that these are new quals for each thread size & analogy claimed by using Acceptance tests for -050, -100 & -140. I understand the logic but question that it would have been very simple to include the 3 samples for the 2 missing tests (Tensile @ 480°C & Stress Rupture tests) & avoid having to justify the deviation from the req’t for codes -060, -100 & -140.
    Code -070 parts were not included in the QTR (Para 3 table) but the Web para 6 concludes -070 shall be included. A column for code -070 should be included in the test matrix (QTR para 3) to show the analogy claim as “untested”. Plus confirmation that the CoC & non ‘acceptance’ tests info shall be validated before code -070 parts are first dispatched. Code -070 info (M’fg Route, CoC, etc) shall form part of this report (even for analogy) as evidence that parts will be produced compliant. Approved with condition that -070 manufactiring route data is included if -070 is to be included in this qualification (as per web para 6).

  2. 1) Manufacturing Route
    I require an up-date of the Manufacturing Route from J.M. to introduce also size 070.
    I will informed you when up-date is available and submit new revision.

    2) With regard to the idea to perform a “Family Qualification” the discussion with regard to reduce qualification effort, were made with J.M. This agreement was based on the situation that J.M. was using
    a) Same standard material
    b) Same technical specification
    c) Same manufacturing route
    d) Same manufacturing location.

    Therefore we Airbus Defence and Space came to the agreement as listed in the QTP. The agreement / decision was made with people from M&P (regarding material behaviour under higher temperature conditions and read across ; Fastener Specialist; Quality Eng. and myself which results in the Qualification Program (QTP see attachment)

    Spec para Tensile Strength 480°C .
    Test was not performed on size 05mm and size 14mm . On all other sizes this test was performed. For this size we qualified this via “Analogy” to the other sizes.
    This was also mentioned tin the QTP which was discussed with J.M. and agreed.

    Spec para 5.4.6 Proof Load 100h, 480°C.
    Test was not performed on size 05mm; 10mm and 14mm . On all other sizes tests were performed . For this sizes we qualified this via Analogy to the other sizes.
    This was also mentioned in the QTP which was discussed with J.M. and agreed.

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