TCM 2 746-Paolo Astori SPA – Gattico (IT) EN2647-060

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Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

2 Replies to “TCM 2 746-Paolo Astori SPA – Gattico (IT) EN2647-060”

  1. Qualification of EN2647-060 nuts for Paolo Astori under technical specification ISO5858 under conditions:
    • Non-magnetism test as per par 5.1.6 of ISO5858 is indicated “N/A” in QTP. Justification to be provided to ASD-CERT why this test is non applicable.

  2. –> Non-magnetism test is applicable only for stainless steel nuts (see Note d, pag .15 ISO5858 rev. 1999). EN2647-060 is not in stainless steel, it is alloy steel, so test is not applicable.

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