TCM 2 570-1- AHG Ateliers de la Haute-Garonne – Flourens (FR) EN2859-050, 060

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One Reply to “TCM 2 570-1- AHG Ateliers de la Haute-Garonne – Flourens (FR) EN2859-050, 060”

  1. QTR number: qualif #570 EN2859-060-050:
    5.1 Testing
    Fillet radius (between head and shank) cold rolling was removed from EN2859 as well. It should be preferable to add this as well as it is mentioned for double shear and tension fatigue tests.
    Tension fatigue strength test was removed from EN2859 as well. It should be preferable to add this as well as it is mentioned for double shear test.
    6.1.3 Heat treatment
    TR3775 instead of TR3375
    Page 41:
    Manufactured quantity is missing
    For acceptance, hardness test sampling shall be as per tables 3 and 4. Here, only 3 bolts have been tested for acceptance apparently.
    ISO7689, table 4 is: “Sampling plans for visual inspections and dimensional characteristics”.
    Maybe this table is not suitable because we are talking about visual and dimensional aspects whereas hardness is a mechanical test. So, table 6 as per ISO7689 seems to be more adapted for hardness test for acceptance.
    Page 42:
    For acceptance, ISO7689 table 4 shall apply. Sampling is: AQL = 0,065% for discontinuities, single sampling level II.
    Quantity ordered is 252 parts, but manufactured quantity is not mentioned.
    So, considering 252 manufactured parts, by reading this table, we see that first sampling is 32 parts, but for AQL=0,065%, we have a down arrow to reach 0 acceptance defect in column “Ac”. Facing this 0, we have 200 parts sampling. Indeed, in this table, it is written: ” Use sampling plan below (sample size and Ac).” So, in my opinion, 200 parts should have been tested.
    In this acceptance test report, we do not have any information about dimensional control.
    Page 47:
    Same remark about sampling. Table 4 shall apply, but seems to be not suitable for hardness test (ISO7689 table 6 should be more appropriate for hardness test).
    For surface coating, ISO7689 tables 3 and 4 shall apply. Surface coating defect is ranked “major”, so, AQL=1%.
    503 parts have been produced. By reading table 4 with AQL=1%, 80 parts should have been tested for acceptance.
    Page 48:
    For acceptance, ISO7689 table 4 shall apply. Sampling is: AQL = 0,065% for discontinuities, single sampling level II.
    Quantity manufactured is 503 parts.
    So, by reading this table, we see that first sampling is 80 parts, but for AQL=0,065%, we have a down arrow to reach 0 acceptance defect in column “Ac”. Facing this 0, we have 200 parts sampling. Indeed, in this table, it is written: ” Use sampling plan below (sample size and Ac).” So, in my opinion, 200 parts should have been tested.
    Page 49:
    In this acceptance test report, we do not have any information about dimensional control.

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