TCM 1 808-(R) – Senior Aerospace Ermeto – Fosse (FR) PQ275

QAR: Click Here
Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

2 Replies to “TCM 1 808-(R) – Senior Aerospace Ermeto – Fosse (FR) PQ275”

  1. Conditions to qualify EN45XX pipe couplings under EN4560 technical specification :
    • The initial qualification in 2003 failed due to high values in EN4560 technical specification (pressure tests for big diameters and re use tests). Several exchanges took place between the MBR Ph Henry and myself in 2013 on this subject. EN4560 technical specification was updated in 2016 to accommodate reachable values. However, no test results are attached in the QTR report to show evidence of it. Please provide ASD-CERT with those results or a statement that those tests with the updated technical specification would have been successful. Also provide ASD-CERT with a statement that the manufacturer Senior Aerospace Ermeto has not received any complaint from customers.
    • No dimensional report is shown in the QTR for manufactured batches. Please provide ASD-CERT with it.
    • No certificate of conformity is shown in the QTR for materials. Please provide ASD-CERT with it.
    • A lot of parts are qualified by analogy. Please provide ASD-CERT with the mentioned ACP-005 Form 2 under “supplementary documents”. It cannot be found on ASD-CERT website.

    1. Reports (ex:PVP003-2 for reuse) that have been supplied, are in compliance with the new revision of the technical specification EN4560.
      Our Quality manager have officially confirmed in the ACP006 form01, that no complaints from customers have been registered.
      I will try to upload again dimensional report and material coc. Concerning dimensional report, it proves the compliance for each dimension requested by the drawing. But not the result of measurement itself.

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