TCM 1 792 – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 5JSR40009M

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Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

2 Replies to “TCM 1 792 – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 5JSR40009M”

  1. Conditions to qualify EN3753-050 nuts under technical specification ISO5858 :
    • Standard drawing used for this qualification dates back from 1993, the standard drawing has evolved to version August 2010. Please provide statement that there is no interchangeability break with a procurement made under the updated EN3753 standard, 2010 version.
    • Conclusion of the QTR report states:” The design and manufacturing condition of the part don’t enable it to meet the requirements of the standard specification it refers to” should not be correct to qualify this nut”. Please correct this statement to avoid any subsequent confusion for end users.
    • Reception of material under SAM0004 specification from material subcontractor. Please provide a statement that SAM material specification is equivalent to EN material specification called in the EN3753 product standard.
    • Provide ASD-CERT with an explanation why stress embrittlement test (para 5.6.3 of ISO5858) is not applicable for this steel alloy nut. There is no justification in the report.
    • Provide ASD-CERT with an explanation why push out test (para 5.6.6 of ISO5858) is not applicable to this anchor nut. There is no justification in the report.
    • Provide ASD-CERT with a statement from the manufacturer that de-embrittlement (para 5.2.1 of ISO5858) inconsistency mentioned in Dassault DGQT document has no effect on the conformity of EN3753-050 nuts.

    1. Bonjour Alexandre

      Vous trouverez ci-dessous les reponses aux remarques de M. CANTEAU

      – Standard drawing used 1993 :
      I agree with the remark there is an evolution of the standard in 2010 but there is no impact on the part, because the main change is the evolution of prEN3753 towards the EN3753 standard. In the reference standards paragraph , EN200 and EN 3042 were change to EN 9100 and EN9133. So no impact on the product itself and on the QTR.

      – Conclusion QTR : QTR will be modified . It is a typo. QTR will be updated.

      – Raw material : please find enclosed the link between our internal specification and the EN 2543 see file “SAM0004”
      – Stress embrittlement is not applicable because the hardness is lower than 44HRC see note J in table 1 of ISO5858: see

      – Push out is not applicable because it is a corner nut see note l in table 1 of ISO5858

      – Provide ASD/ CERT : The de-embrittlment process has been performed in accordance with the EN 2133 standard – see file “note explicative deshydrogenation(appendix 1-2)” There is no impact on the conformity of the parts as explained by the MBR .


      Genevieve LACOMBE
      Engineering Manager | Howmet Fixations Simmonds SAS
      9 rue des Cressonnières, 72110 Saint Cosme en Vairais, France
      Phone 33 2 43 31 41 86 | Mobile 33 6 80 32 53 55 | |

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