TCM 1 373– Souriau – Champagné (FR) EN 4165-003, -024 -025 -026

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Conditions for approval required by:  Adrien GUEGAN

3 Replies to “TCM 1 373– Souriau – Champagné (FR) EN 4165-003, -024 -025 -026”

  1. Reimbursement not agreed.

    Several failures were identified. These might be considered minor but the customer is not expecting newly qualified parts to perform this way. The acceptance of these failures should be followed-up with action to understand & address the causes of these failures & not accept failure as the norm.

    I.E.Voltage proof test under 1300Vdc failed for only 1 cavity of module layout 20-22 against housing as confirmed by visual inspection. The justification provided suggests this single failure was assessed as acceptable as it represents only 1,6% of all tested cavities and could not be reproduced after with other samples.
    Suggest the cause for this failure shall be established, together with corrective action put in place to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.

    After test EN2591-315 for “fluid resistance”, test EN2591-205 “housing shell continuity “ failed for some fluids with values between 7 and 12 mOhm instead of required 6 mOhm max. Plus – During test EN2591-324 “interfacial sealing” in group 5, insulation resistance under 500Vdc failed for 3 cavities and voltage proof test under 1300Vdc failed for 4 cavities against housing or between each other.
    Suggest if the current performance requirement are not considered appropriate for the relevant Product Standards, alternative test limits & cleaning process shall be recommended for change in the product standard (the performance listed in the current issue is what the customer is expecting).
    However if the test limits are considered appropriate, this qualification is effectively a fail. Approval should only be granted on the basis that the new limits shall be addressed in the relevant ASD-STAN product standard.
    The QTR acknowledges a recommendation to review -001 for sealing test. Should this be addressed before CERT acceptance?

    Minor deviations for Dimension & Mass were identified. What corrective action has been proposed?

    If cocktailing assemblies with competitor parts is proving unreliable, this could indicate that the Product Standard is not robust. What action is planned to avoid in-service cocktailing failures?

    Visual examination findings are missing from some test groups.

    No explanation in the QTP why Test Groups 4, 6 8 & 10 are not conducted.
    I cannot see why some test groups are omitted (the sample part numbers do not appear to be linked to the full EN product standard part number in each case to ascertain applicability of test groups against the different classes, etc.).

    Are the material supply chain sources frozen?

  2. Answer to Rolls Royce conditions by auditor Steffen Ohde
    General remark: All conditions are related to module with cavity #22 and are answered, nevertheless it was decided to remove all modules with #22 cavities from the qualfied product list until introduction of manufacturinf improvements and retesting.

    Condition: Voltage proof test under 1300Vdc failed for only 1 cavity of module layout 20-22 against housing as confirmed by visual inspection.
    Cause for this failure was established as failure during gluing of front- and rear insulator + interfacial seal and grommet. The work instruction was updated accordingly and failure was not reproduced after applying the update work instruction.
    Condition: Test EN2591-205 “housing shell continuity “ failed for some fluids with values between 7 and 12 mOhm instead of required 6 mOhm.
    This cannot be improved as design of shell to shell contacts is fixed in EN4165-001, ASD-STAN will discuss necessary update of the techncialc specification in regard to design or increase of value for shell to shell resistance.
    Condition: Test EN2591-324 “interfacial sealing” in group 5, insulation resistance under 500Vdc failed for 3 cavities and voltage proof test under 1300Vdc failed for 4 cavities against housing or between each other.
    Cause for this failure was established as failure during gluing of front and -rear insulator + interfacial seal and grommet. The work instruction was updated accordingly and failure was not reproduced after applying the update work instruction.
    Condition: No explanation in the QTP why Test Groups 4, 6 8 & 10 are not conducted.
    All test groups as defined in EN4165-001 are conducted, but splitted in too two different QTP, one for shells and one for modules. In summary, all test groups are performed.
    Condition: Are the material supply chain sources frozen?
    Yes, all are frozen and stored.

    Further reply was received from Helicopters by e-mail, but no formal conditions. See text in conclusion for reply to Helicopters e-mail.

  3. Hello,
    In accordance with the decision to validate EN4165 and to remove all modules with #22 cavities.

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