TCM 2 996-(R) – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) PQ223 EN3196-040

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3 Replies to “TCM 2 996-(R) – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) PQ223 EN3196-040”

  1. Hardness test: in test Report, could you please replace “HV5 9999-“ by actual values?
    Hopefully, hardness results are written in “Micro / macro” test section.
    Could you please add some information about HRC conversion into HV5?

    Many thanks in advance,
    Best regards.

  2. Test report TR 14329194 (EN3196-040) has been updated with the hardness values in HRC in the correct box. This updated Test report has been uploaded in the applicable qualification report.

    ISO18265 is used to make the conversion between HRC and HV5.

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