TCM 2 965-(MCR) – Howmet Fastening Systems – Portet sur Garonne (FR) PQ353 Alternative on EN3035-060 prod

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Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

2 Replies to “TCM 2 965-(MCR) – Howmet Fastening Systems – Portet sur Garonne (FR) PQ353 Alternative on EN3035-060 prod”

  1. Conditions for MCR qualification (ACP-008) of EN3033-060 bolts under ISO7689 technical specification :
    • Some certificates are expired. Please provide ASD-CERT with renewals.
    • Counter tests done by the Auditor on DGQT 54970 document shows harness values out of tolerance (43 to 43,5 measured HRC vs 40 HRC max as per ISO7689). There is a condition. So it is requested to HOWMET : to correct the PFC in order to perform the hardness measurement before surface treatment as it is requested in the specification ISO7689 (but after final machining). Please provide ASD-CERT with evidence that this has been done and results are conform.

    1. Good afternoon Mr. Canteau,

      NADCAP certificate and PFC updated and uploaded throught website.

      “Please provide ASD-CERT with evidence that this has been done and results are conform.”
      This is precisely the problem, counter measurement are not compliant (but still acceptable for the auditor) due to the fact we did not performed our hardness control at the good step.
      That’s why we had to correct our PFC to be able to control the hardness at the right step for further batches.

      Have a nice day.

      Best regards,

      Quentin BRETON

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