TCM 2 643 – Arconic Fastening Systems & Rings – Portet sur Garonne (FR) EN2874-120

Conditions for approval required by:  Heinrich Hackmann



One Reply to “TCM 2 643 – Arconic Fastening Systems & Rings – Portet sur Garonne (FR) EN2874-120”

  1. – Heat treatment: Cycle:
    Maintained at 620°C +/- 5°C for XXXhours.
    – Figure 2:
    What dimensions (add “mm)
    -Figure 4 plus
    How are the condition of the bolt after the 2h salt spray test; please add a photo.
    – Please add under Figure 6 a photo of the test facility.
    -Releve De Durete
    This document should be in English language.
    -NADCAP Certificate
    Fastener Size should be “MJ” instead of “M”

    The qualification is approved by adding this comments.

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