TCM 2 1127-(MCR) – Bristol Industries – Brea (US) PQ181

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Conditions for approval required by:  Julien Gauther

3 Replies to “TCM 2 1127-(MCR) – Bristol Industries – Brea (US) PQ181”

  1. Vibration test after baking: according to QTR, 5 nuts were baked at 760 +/- 8°C. EN3005 specifies 730 +/- 8°C. This is just something to point out, not blocking since actual baking temperature (760°C) is tougher.

    Table 7: apparently, there are some unit issues in columns “Breakaway Torque (Nm)” and “Maximum Removal Torque (Nm)”. In my opinion, the values in these columns are in and not N.m.
    Could you please clarify?

    Many thanks in advance,
    Best regards.

  2. Hi Phil,
    Many thanks to you and Bristol Industries for these corrections.
    Approved on my side.
    Best regards.

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