TCM 2 1125-(MCR) – Bristol Industries – Brea (US) PQ181

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Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

2 Replies to “TCM 2 1125-(MCR) – Bristol Industries – Brea (US) PQ181”

  1. Conditions for MCR qualification of EN3013-050 nuts under EN3005 technical specification:
    • Several batches were produced using the new automatic silver plating process starting from August 2018 instead of the previously approved manual plating process. The manufacturer failed to inform ASD-CERT thru the corresponding ACP-008 and deliver parts to customers without ASD-CERT approval.
    • ASD-CERT technical committee minutes of meeting requested that a full qualification be done to cover those EN3013-050 batches of nuts having this surface treatment change.
    • Therefore the manufacturer shall provide ASD-CERT with compliance to EN3005 technical specification which at least should include:
    • Certificates of conformity for the material used for all manufactured batches,
    • A dimensional report as per First Article Inspection requirements for each batch.
    • The modified manufacturing route including this automatic silver plating process.
    • Results of the tests requested by the technical specification EN3005 (axial load, re usability test at ambient and service temperature and measured values against maximum locking torques and against minimum breakaway torques, hardnesses measured, perpendicularity, etc…) which could be affected by this new silver plating process.
    • At least the Silver plating thicknesses obtained with micrographic cuts of the nuts with the automatic process compared to the manual one.
    • Could we consider that test results shown for qualification N°1127 are also applicable to this qualification N°1125? Please provide ASD-CERT with evidence or a statement.

  2. A full qualification has been carried out on EN3013-050 nuts related to the changing forming methods and change in HT source as requested by the Technical committee. the requalification is reported in QER1127.

    This MCR is for the change in Silver plating where the data provided by Bristol industries is the data reviewed by the technical committee and agree that this is enough to approve the change.

    Extra data has been included into this report to comply with your comments, incuding the manufacturing route (which has not changed for silver plating as its still carried out internally, but with a new machine.) also included is the Material certs, FAI and other relevant data.

    Below is the comments from Owen Bry of Bristol industry and also included in this report is the extra data he has provided.

    Mr. Canteau,

    Bristol had submitted data on the automated plating line to ASD Certs back in April 2021. The data included are statistical analysis charts showing the plating thickness is unchanged and the torque performance is unchanged regardless of the method we use, manual vs. automated. Statistically speaking the change in the process has no bearing on plating thickness or torque performance of the parts. We had submitted similar data to SAE-ITC as well as Rolls-Royce for the change which was made, and no further requests were made.

    Please find the documentation to meet the following conditions you listed in prior communication.
    1. Therefore the manufacturer shall provide ASD-CERT with compliance to EN3005 technical specification which at least should include:
    a. Certificates of conformity for the material used for all manufactured batches
    i. See attached
    b. A dimensional report as per First Article Inspection requirements for each batch
    i. See attached – dimensional inspection sheet per the drawing requirements of the EN print
    c. The modified manufacturing route including this automatic silver plating process
    i. The manufacturing route is unchanged for manual vs. automated. There is no difference in the routing therefore this requirement should not exist.
    d. Results of the tests requested by the technical specification EN3005 (axial load, re usability test at ambient and service temperature and measured values against maximum locking torques and against minimum breakaway torques, hardnesses measured, perpendicularity, etc…) which could be affected by this new silver plating process
    i. See CoC data attached
    e. At least the Silver plating thicknesses obtained with micrographic cuts of the nuts with the automatic process compared to the manual one
    i. See attached – this data is also included in the original report Auto-Plating Line Change.PDF
    ii. Statistically there is no difference between the thickness on the manual vs. automated plating line

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