TCM 1 1608-(R) – Howmet Fastening Systems (Linread) – Centurion Way, Leicester (UK) PQ041

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4 Replies to “TCM 1 1608-(R) – Howmet Fastening Systems (Linread) – Centurion Way, Leicester (UK) PQ041”

  1. Salt spray test: as per EN2583, clause 5.3.7, salt spray test shall be carried out on 100% of the parts. In CoC, 5 parts underwent this test. Even though actual sample size is not in line with EN2583, I do agree with this one since, from my point of view, this test can be seen as a destructive one. Thus, I assume that selected sample size is compliant to EN2583, table 8, column B.
    EN2583 should be updated in that way: Moreover, in EN2583 table 2, salt spray test is classified in the destructive category. This is just something to point out.

    FPI: is it possible to get fluorescent penetrant inspection report? Indeed, EN2583, clause 5.5.5, requires this test for Acceptance, sample size and NQA are specified in EN2583, tables 3 and 4.
    Hopefully, we do have micrographic examinations on 5 bolts to check the presence or not of cracks.
    Many thanks in advance
    Best regards

  2. Just a small clarification:
    Salt spray test: as per EN2583, clause 5.3.7, salt spray test shall be carried out on 100% of the parts for Acceptance. For qualification only 5 pa

  3. Just a small clarification:
    Salt spray test: as per EN2583, clause 5.3.7, salt spray test shall be carried out on 100% of the parts for Acceptance. For qualification only 5 parts shall be salt spray tested.

  4. All is clear for me now.
    Many thanks to Matt, Robert and Marko.
    Approved from my side.
    Have a nice day
    Best regards

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