TCM 1 1237-(R) – LISI Aerospace [Bestas FTB] Gaziemir (TR) PQ430

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Conditions for approval required by:  Julien Gauther

8 Replies to “TCM 1 1237-(R) – LISI Aerospace [Bestas FTB] Gaziemir (TR) PQ430”

  1. FPI: could you please add FPI report and/or FPI sample size for each mfg batch?

    EN2549-050011F: could you please add lubricant thickness results in Test Report?

    Why do we have tensile test results on specimens instead of bolts?
    Where can we find fatigue test results on bolts?
    If I am not mistaken, this bolt is long enough to be both tensile and fatigue tested as this is the case for EN2549D100036F.

    Thread major diameter (dmax) shall be equal to D1min – 0,025.
    Thus, dmax = 5 -0,022 – 0,025 = 4,953 mm.
    In dimensional report, the tolerance is 4,850 / 5,000 mm.
    Could you please correct this?

    Thread major diameter (dmax) shall be equal to D1min – 0,025.
    Thus, dmax = 10 -0,028 – 0,025 = 9,947 mm.
    In dimensional report, the tolerance is 9,788 / 10,000 mm.
    Could you please correct this?

    Thread major diameter (dmax) shall be equal to D1min – 0,025.
    Thus, dmax = 18 -0,034 – 0,025 = 17,941 mm.
    In dimensional report, the tolerance is 17,764 / 18,000 mm.
    Could you please correct this?

    Many thanks in advance,
    Best regards.

    1. Hello Julien,

      Sorry for delay, please find attached my comments and files and also Philip will be update the attach certs on sections.


  2. Hello Nuray,
    Many thanks for all your detailed answers!
    I am happy with almost all of them, except one.
    EN2549D100036F FPI report shows a sample size equal to 80 parts.
    It should be 200 parts if I am not mistaken (ISO9152, tables 3 and 4, AQL 0,065%, down-arrow marked against sample size 501 to 1200).
    Many thanks in advance,
    Best regards,

    1. Hello Julien,

      We have checked on the system and FPI was performed on 200 parts. The other FPI Process sheet is added in attached.


  3. Hello Nuray,
    Thank you for uploading additional FPI report.
    I assume that we shall add sample size quantities from both reports (80+120).
    Is that correct?
    Best regards,

    1. Yes, there are two process sheet made by two different people. Total sample 200 parts were checked.


  4. Fine for me Nuray.
    My apologies, I did not notice that two different people signed these two reports.
    Anyway, many thanks for your speed.
    Approved from my side.
    Best regards,

  5. This is our mistake to sent missing document, sorry for that. Thank you for your understanding and approval.


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