TCM 1 1120-Blanc Aero Industries – LISI – La Glèbe, La Rouquette, (FR) – EN4073-100 & EN4136H100

QAR: Click Here
Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

2 Replies to “TCM 1 1120-Blanc Aero Industries – LISI – La Glèbe, La Rouquette, (FR) – EN4073-100 & EN4136H100”

  1. Conditions for initial qualification of EN4073-100 and EN4136H100 bolts under ISO7689 technical specification:
    • “The table below lists the required tests which were made under witness of Antoine DIAZ of Apside acting as MBR during qualification” is missing in the QTP section; we do not know which test was done or not done and the justification for tests not done.
    • The manufacturing route has to be stamped and signed by the auditor.
    • The manufacturing route included in the QTR is barely readable almost cannot be read. Please provide ASD-CERT with a readable copy of the manufacturing route. We cannot see which special process is subcontracted to Westmoreland.
    • Please provide ASD-CERT with valid NADCAP certificates for all the subcontractors.
    • Few NADCAP certificates are or are about to be expired. Please provide ASD-CERT with updates.
    • Double shear test was done on 8 mm parts instead of 10 mm EN4073-100 bolts. Please Provide ASD-CERT with evidence that a double shear test on a 10 mm bolt of the same material would have been successful. Otherwise, the qualification is limited to short length bolts and it shall be indicated on the PQ.
    • Please provide ASD-CERT with a photo of the recess of the bolt after the recess removal torque test was applied.
    • Please provide ASD-CERT with photos of the packaging and labelling for similar parts.
    • A QTS would have been useful to make the link between QTP and QTR for this qualification file as requested by ASD-CERT quality manual available on ASD-CERT website.

    1. Test carried out during the audit all compliant:
      Recess removal torque
      Tensile strength
      grain flow
      Thread grain flow
      Microstructure and overheating.
      the manufacturing route attached
      We cannot see which special process is subcontracted to Westmoreland. it’s just an alternative.
      NADCAP at the time of qualification they were up to date.
      The parts were too short to perform the double shear. However, in order to avoid being limited in length on the certificate, we tested specimens, machined in the parts (to keep the same batch of material and same heat treatment), in double shear. From my point of view, the double shear test allows us to test the resistance of the material regardless of the diameter. This is only a section ratio.
      • Please provide ASD-CERT with a photo of the recess of the bolt after the recess removal torque test was applied. => Attached you will find a photo of parts after recess torque. This test was also carried out in the presence of the mandated body auditor.
      • Please provide ASD-CERT with photos of the packaging and labelling for similar parts. => Attached you will find a photo of the packaging and labelling for this reference. Example presented with the archived parts of the lot.
      • A QTS would have been useful to make the link between QTP and QTR for this qualification file as requested by ASD-CERT quality manual available on ASD-CERT website. => The qualification test report includes all the elements required for qualification with at the beginning the matrix which presents the tests required in qualification.

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