TCM 1 1075-Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 24150ECR105-G-TMST

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One Reply to “TCM 1 1075-Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 24150ECR105-G-TMST”

  1. There is a quite important difference between silver thicknesses measured by HFS and GALION, meanly due to the method. Indeed, HFS’ silver thicknesses are carried out by micrographic cuts (on cross-sections) and GALION thanks to X-ray fluorescence on “flat” surface I assume.
    Hopefully, HFS does measure again by another method during incoming inspection.
    This is just something to point out and this is not blocking.
    Best regards.

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