Prices for Product Qualification Renewal

Price list (all prices are given in €uro)


Fixed Price EUR

Variable Price EUR


Electrical contacts

€ 500

per technical specification

€ 100
per size


Electrical connectors & accessories

€ 150
per each class
per each model/product standard


Electrical Cables

€ 200
per product standard


Circuit Breakers

€ 100
per product standard



€ 100
per product standard


Hydraulics & Fluids

€ 2000
per product standard family1

Is considered a “Product Standard Family” a group of product standards under
– The same Technical Specification
– The same standard material
– Related to only “One” Interface for “Female” and only “One” Interface for “Male”
– The same dimensional SI Unit (Metric)
– The same max. Pressure class.
– The same ASD-Cert “PQ Number”
– The same Manufacturing Route

2. Qualification Renewal Prices, Auditor costs

The qualification prices cover the costs of the auditor, i.e. the working time spent on the qualification activity (preparation of audit, travel time, audit, report drafting, liaising with the Technical Committee and the applicant to resolve eventual conditions set on the qualification) and the related expenses.


ASD-CERT Auditor activities:

Desktop review:  € 1000  (lump sum)

* Other types of qualification:  Based on the agreed Qualification Test Plan


Travel & Subsistence expenses (T&S):

* The Applicant will reimburse all the Auditor travel and subsistence expenses, disbursed as a consequence of the qualification activities, subject to documentary evidence submission
** These expenses will comply with the Applicant’s Travel & Subsistence policy, applicable to its own staff. This policy shall be made available to ASD-CERT upon request.

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