Issue Date: 14 Feb 2014First renewed on: 1 Apr 2020
Second renewed on: 1 Apr 2023
Current renewal date: 1 Apr 2023
Expiration Date: 1 Apr 2026
Extension date: 1 Oct 2023
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Change Request this PQTechnical Specification | Standard no | Designation (or identifiers) | Formal description of Product |
EN4560 | EN4551 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, 37°, in heat resisting steel - Swivel nuts - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4552 | Aerospace series - Pipe couplings 37°, spherical, in heat resisting steel - Straight nipples, welded end - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4553 | Aerospace series - Pipe couplings 37°, spherical, in heat resisting steel - Elbow 90° nipples, welded end - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4554 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling 37°, spherical, in heat resisting steel - Straight unions, threaded - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4555 | Aerospace series - Pipe couplings 37°, in heat resisting steel - Ferrules, welded end - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4556 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, 37°, in heat resisting steel - Cap assemblies - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4557 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, 37°, spherical, in heat resisting steel - Tees nipples, welded - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4561 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat resisting steel - Elbows 90° - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4562 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat resisting steel - Reductors - Inch series | |
EN4560 | EN4563 | Aerospace series - Pipe coupling, welded, in heat resisting steel - Tees - Inch series |
EN4563, EN4562, EN4561, EN4557, EN4556, EN4555, EN4554, EN4553, EN4552, EN4551
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Location of Site accredited by this PQ: Senior Aerospace Ermeto - Fosse (FR)
PQ275 Link to the PQ PDF