TCM 1 1051-(R) – Blanc Aero Industries – LISI – La Glèbe, La Rouquette, (FR) PQ198

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Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

3 Replies to “TCM 1 1051-(R) – Blanc Aero Industries – LISI – La Glèbe, La Rouquette, (FR) PQ198”

  1. Conditions to renew qualification (ACP-006) of EN4499-050, -060 bolts under ISO9152 technical specification:
    • Only results for EN4499-060 are presented in the report. Please provide ASD-CERT with results for the manufactured EN4499-050 bolts in order to qualify them.
    • Manufacturing route: we suppose that both subcontractors Westmoreland and Dickson have been used to manufacture the bolts as it is stated no change in the presented ACP-006. Please confirm. If only one subcontractor has been used, an additional ACP-008 will be necessary to qualify the second subcontractor.
    • Packaging and labelling: please provide ASD-CERT with a photo on similar products.
    • Marking: is the presented photo applicable to EN4499-050 or EN4499-060 bolts? Please confirm. A photo of the missing part number should be provided to ASD-CERT.
    • A third subcontractor PROTEC seems to appear in the CoC for Cethyl Alcohol. Please provide ASD-CERT with clarifications.

    1. Dear Philippe,
      I discuss with LISI VDR about the conditions stated, LISI VDR will give us additional information soon.
      Concerning the results for the reference EN4499-050, you will find them in the enclosed CoC in the appendix “PQ198 certificate of conformity”: Tensile tests and Fatigue tests.

      Please let me know if this is acceptable to you,
      thank you

  2. Dear Philippe,
    Please find below the additional information allowing to answer to the opened conditions:

    • Manufacturing route: Westmoreland and Dickson were not used to manufacture these parts but they are specified on the flow chart as an alternative source in case of a heavy load on LISI’s internal lab. Nadcap and ISO17025 certificates have already been sent to ASD-Cert for past renewal (ex: 1083).
    • Packaging and labelling: The parts are arranged in layers separated by bubble wrap. See photo enclosed.
    • Marking: The marking given in the renewal file concerns the reference EN4499-060, please find attached a photo for the reference EN4499-050, and another photo showing the two references EN4499-050 and EN449-060.
    • 3rd subcontractor PROTEC: PROTEC is not a subcontractor but a diminutive of the word “protection” on our certificates of conformity. The cethyl alcohol is produced at LISI Villefranche de Rouergue.

    Thank you in advance to manage these conditions,
    Have a nice day,
    Sebastien Garcia

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