TCM 1 392-1-5 LISI Aerospace [Bestas] Gazemir (TR) EN3304-050

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Conditions for approval required by:  Philippe Canteau

6 Replies to “TCM 1 392-1-5 LISI Aerospace [Bestas] Gazemir (TR) EN3304-050”

  1. Conditions for initial qualification of EN3304-050 bolts under ISO9152 technical specification:
    • Several NADCAP certificates are expired. Please renew them.
    • Manufacturing route shows alternate 1 and alternate 2. Please provide ASD-CERT with evidence that the parts were manufactured by using both alternates.

    1. Hello Philippe,

      – Please find in additional documents the NADCAP Cert.
      – For now we don’ t have a evidence of manuel forging, we produce only with automatic forging method.


  2. Hello Nuray, thanks a lot for your answer. OK for the updated NADCAP certificate, however LISI Turkey needs to update their manufacturing route if only automatic forging method is used. An ACP-008 needs to be provided later on to ASD-CERT if manual forging is planned to manufacture parts.

    1. Hello Philippe,

      Sorry, we overlooked the this. I told Philip to upload the corrected ones.


  3. Hello Nuray, I cannot approve without the correct manufacturing route, meaning the one currently manufacturing the standard parts as written in my message above. Please could you inform me when the correct manufacturing route is uploaded on ASD-CERT website? Thanking you in advance.

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