TCM 1 880 – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 10JRH80035M

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Conditions for approval required by:  Julien Gauther

3 Replies to “TCM 1 880 – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 10JRH80035M”

  1. It should be good to add a valid EN9100 certificate for Fluorotechnique. However, we all agree with the fact that current certificate uploaded into ASD-CERT website was valid at the time of this qualification.

    In PFC, at the top of the page, could you please replace “EN330” by “EN3330”?

    Raw material certificates do not directly comply with EN raw material standards. Could you please clarify?

    In both QTP and QTR, ISO8788:2000 is mentioned. However, the latest edition of ISO8788 is: ISO8788:2020.
    Which one is applicable for this qualification?

    Many thanks in advance,
    Best regards.

    1. Julien,

      Please find below the reply from Howmet St Cosme:

      – Please find enclosed the EN9100 update certificate of Fluorotechnique see files “Certification ISO9001- valid 15-02-2024.pdf” and “ Certification EN9100_ Valid 15-02-2024”.

      – Please find enclosed the update Flow chart see file “Flow chart -EN2882-100 signed 032321”

      – The Material CoC’s for the Nut doesn’t calls out direct conformity to the EN as required by the drawing. Viewing how Howmet purchase their material in this case via a “Spécification d’ Approvisionnement SAM :
      – SAM0004, rev O (for 25CD4) which refer to the EN standards see highlight on the documents enclosed files “SAM004 and Paturle SAM004”
      – SAM0026, rev I (for 35CD4) which refer to the EN standards see highlight on the documents enclosed files “SAM026 and BROWN EUROPE certificate n° 16792”

      – The last revision of ISO8788 is an editorial revision , so there is no impact on the parts and on the qualification.

  2. Many thanks for these detailed answers!
    It is clear for me now, so, approved on my side.
    Best regards.

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