TCM 1 797 – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 6JSF50045

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3 Replies to “TCM 1 797 – Howmet Fixations Simmonds – St Cosme en Vairais (FR) 6JSF50045”

  1. In QTP section on ASD-CERT website, there is a typo « EN2856-060”. This is not a big deal, but could you please fix this?

    Axial load test at 80%: could you please replace 19100 kN by 19100 N?

    MAny thanks in advance,
    Best regards.

    1. The typo in the QTP section on ASD-CERT website (EN2856-060) has been corrected into EN2865-060.

      The typo in the QTR, “Axial load test at 80%” (19100kN) has also been correct into 19100N (see page 26 of 48, “B” in the margin).


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