TCM 1 747-(MCR) – Arconic Fastening Systems & Rings – Portet sur Garonne (FR) PQ440 Sub-contractor change for silv

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Conditions for approval required by:  Julien Gauther

3 Replies to “TCM 1 747-(MCR) – Arconic Fastening Systems & Rings – Portet sur Garonne (FR) PQ440 Sub-contractor change for silv”

  1. On EN2926-050026_F.A.I.1851288 document:
    Page 16: EN2576 requires Rockwell hardness (26 to 35 HRC).
    Apparently, due to bolt size, Vickers Hardness was done. So, what is the standard reference applied for converting HRC into HV?

    Page 30: Where are these silver thickness measurements located on bolt? How many bolts were checked? (3 bolts if we consider the 3 crosses on the left?)

    Page 30: As per EN2786, adhesion shall be checked on test specimens or bolts after being heated to maximum test temperature.
    EN2926 has a classification of 900 MPa tensile strength and 650°C maximum test temperature.
    AEROPROTEC’s thermal cycle curve for heating parts or test specimens before adhesion test shows 400°C during 2 hours.
    EN2786 requires: “Parts with a maximum test temperature of more than 425 °C:
    The temperature shall be the maximum test temperature of the parts.”.
    So, if this curve really corresponds to heating before adhesion test, setpoint temperature applied by AEROPROTEC is 400°C instead of 650°C required.
    In which manner AEROPROTEC is in line with EN2786 requirement as follows; “After visual examination, the parts or test pieces shall be subjected to one of the following adhesion tests,
    EN 2828, EN 2830 or any other adhesion test that is agreed.”

    Many thanks in advance and have a nice day.

    1. Good Morning Mr. Gauther,

      I’am sorry for the late answer.

      – On our test report only Vickers measurements appeared, now the conversion to HRC is mentioned. 304/333HV –> 31.2/34.7 HRC, compliant to EN2576 (26/35HRC).

      – Silver plating check, as per Aeroprotec certificate sampling plan follows their internal specification IQ6-0-0, for less than 501 parts, 5 parts are inspected.
      Thickness measurements performed on thread flanks.

      – Indeed, adhesion test was not performed in compliance to EN2786.
      We fixed this issue, 650°C heating and EN2828 adhesion tests on 3 bolts have been performed in house.

      All updated documentation will be provided to Antoine DIAZ.

      Have a nice day.

      Best regards,

      Quentin BRETON

  2. Good afternoon Mr. Breton,

    It clear for me now, qualification approved on my side.
    Many thanks for your support.
    Best regards.

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